kitchen firesafety FAQ

Kitchen Fire and Safety FAQ

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One of the most crucial things in your home is your complete fire protection system. Kitchens always suffer from Fire Accidents, even if it is small or big. Home fires and injuries are most commonly caused by cooking fires. The majority of cooking equipment fires are started by everyday home appliances. So, it is highly essential to have Fire Sprinkler System Fire Extinguisher, Fire Alarms, etc in your kitchen and it is very important to test and inspect this equipment for a period of time. Many people are unsure of what their fire protection systems perform in the kitchen. Clear out all questions and doubts at MMJ Security and Safety, we are striving to provide all the answers with the most up-to-date information on kitchen Fires. Check out below the answers you searched, we compiled a list of most often asked questions!

  1. Why is it necessary to have fire safety in kitchens?
  2. Oil, fat, and grease are all extremely combustible ingredients that, due to their widespread availability in commercial kitchens, cause hundreds of fires and millions of dollars in damage each year. One of the most crucial features of a restaurant or building with a commercial kitchen is having an adequate fire suppression system in place. A hood system, a chemical fire extinguishant, and multiple K Class fire extinguishers should be included in your commercial kitchen fire suppression system.

    With these tools, you'll be able to rapidly respond to a fire in your commercial kitchen before it spreads too far and takes over, resulting in injuries, loss of life, damage to the valuable kitchen equipment, or kitchen downtime.

  3. How often should I clean and inspect my kitchen hood?
  4. The basic rule of thumb for cleaning a kitchen hood is every three months, however, this is dependent on a number of things that our professionals can assist you with. Monthly inspections/cleanings are required for some commercial/restaurant exhaust systems that employ wood or charcoal-burning stoves

  5. How to Prevent Kitchen Fire?
  6. There are more things you can do to prevent fires in your commercial kitchen, in addition to annual inspections of your fire protection equipment and frequent cleaning of your kitchen hood vent: Maintain a clean and orderly kitchen—many commercial kitchens have large amounts of firewood just ready to be lighted. The accumulation of food waste and packaging all enhance the risk of a kitchen fire. To reduce this danger, keep your kitchen orderly and clean.

    Clear grease traps on flat-top grills and kitchen hoods, and change grease in deep fryers on a regular basis to avoid flare-ups in your business kitchen. Also, make sure you clean up the grease that collects on your walls and hood—cooking flare-ups can cause this grease to ignite, which can quickly spread throughout your entire kitchen in minutes.

  7. Which type of Fire Extinguisher is used in a Commercial kitchen?
  8. A Class K extinguisher is the ideal type of fire extinguisher for a commercial kitchen. Cooking oil or fat fires are best put out with Class K fire extinguishers, which smother and cool combustible grease to prevent re-ignition. Kitchen equipment containing large amounts of cooking greases or oils is commonly involved in Class K combustible cooking fires, which have specific extinguishing and re-flash hazards. The capacity of the Class K listed fire extinguishers to properly address various commercial kitchen fire hazard circumstances has been shown.

Don't hesitate to contact MMJ Security and Safety, if you have any additional questions about your Kitchen Fire Safety, or if you require fire sprinkler inspection, fire extinguisher replacement, or any other fire protection system service.

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